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Exclusive Interview: Come Play Stars Gillian Jacobs and John Gallagher Jr.

10/28/2020 • 2 min read

In the horror/thriller COME PLAY, parents battle to save their son from a mysterious creature named Larry, who uses the boy’s electronic devices to creep into our world. We sat down with the leads, Gillian Jacobs and John Gallaghar Jr., along with the director and writer of the film Jacob Chase, to discuss the creation of the freaky film.

COME PLAY is based on an original idea which originated wich a much smaller production by Jacob Chase, "I made "Larry," the short film, with a bunch of friends in a parking lot, using a costume that I had made for this haunted house I used to run," Chase said. "So I started thinking about who would be the most interesting people to have this monster Larry, who comes through technology, to affect."

Gillian Jacobs, who plays the boy’s mother, steps into a genre that she is, surprisingly, new to."I am always looking to do different types of films, different genres," Jacobs said, "so I really enjoyed being in a horror film." She joked that "I couldn’t improvise any of my normal, silly comedy stuff."

Co-star John Gallagher Jr., whose genre resume includes HUSH and 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE, added, "I love horror because it’s such a gateway to telling really big universal stories by kind of venturing into the unreal. I feel like you really get down to some very real things."

Check out our full interview with the cast of COME PLAY:




See COME PLAY beginning on October 30!


All images courtesy of Focus Features.

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